poplar cats alivePopTart: Trojan
What I don't understand is why you need him to keep proving himself but not Walmesly or anyone else.
He's played well in SL once he settled in. Was great last year and has been one of our best this year.
I challenge you to find a single post where I have said that Walmsley doesn’t need to prove himself capable in SL. You won’t find one. I have said I have confidence that he is but that’s not the same thing.
You can’t just twist things to mean something else I didn’t actually say.
I’m getting tired of repeating myself so I’ll make it clear.
Nowhere did I say that Atoni in 2023 didn’t play well. In fact I said that he did the last 3rd of the season. I never said he wasn’t good last year either so don’t see how that relates to my comments. As for being one of the best this year. I have said he has played very well the two games he has played so you’re practically agreeing with me.
All I have said is I want to see more that just two games and it looks like he’s making a good case for his retention so far.
I haven’t ever said Walmsley doesn’t need to prove himself. Purely that I have confidence he is SL standard (which on his two showings vs Saints and KR he is). He also needs to prove himself consistently to state his case.
There are 3 quota in Walmsley, Faatili and Atoni aiming for 2 spots. The best performing 2 will likely get them but they all deserve a few games to prove it.
Of the 3 it will be a bit harder for Walmsley simply because we have a few highly rated young lads like Myers, Tchamambe and Roarke (assuming we trigger extension) who can play there.
I haven’t written any of them off but I want to make my mind up after a handful more games.