Quote Gazwire="Gazwire"Look here chaps. This thread was initially started with Saints fans taking the mikey out of Warrington for trying to sign big name players. So I'm sticking up for my side and saying that we should be aiming high and have been (contrary to comments) successful already in bringing Lineham and Gidley for next season and last year brought over the last years MOS.
So all the Saints mikey taking regarding potential transfers in fact is very ironic and funny from my point of view. Throwing stones at glass houses and all that; you guys aren't even in a glass house to throw stones from!
So what happens is, when you're losing an argument, you always manipulate the discussion around to measuring success.
I will categorically say now that overall Saints have been more successful as stats don't lie. This has come about since the sl era began. Up until that point, there wasn't a great deal to choose between the two sides. Apart from your rather fortunate gf win last year, 0 trophies in the last 5 years is not up your usual standards, but for some reason you seem to have a number of blinkered posters who believe you are the great side of 5 years ago, and before, and continue to attempt to take the mikey out of wire when, if you look at recent history, aka past 5 years, our silverware haul and signings compare much more favourably to yours. So what I'm basically trying to say is that some of your fans are deluded.
The final point is that; attempts to patronise look even more imbecilic when they are made at the end of post disproving an argument unrelated to the thread in order to obtain a superficial mini victory. As soon as you guys brought in the famous ' we've won more in the sl than you', and 'we're higher up than you' argument; shows you you've lost the thread's argument which was about Wire's signings and Potential signings.'"
....Is this because Saints have won more trophies than Warrington?
They're a big club and they have our respect. Even though historically they are in our shadow.