1 Wellens - still up to the job but should have more support in defence
2 Lomax - needs experience and team needs his pace
3 Gidley - should improve with faster winger to support him
4 Meli - much stronger attacking than defending. His size and storming runs should be more of a virtue here.
5 Wheeler - here for same reason as Lomax
6 Pryce - needs to buck his ideas up to keep this but lets give him a little more time to gel with...
7 Eastmond - ought to stay here to make 7 his own. Organsing will come when team mates all do their part.
8 Graham - can`t fault him. Regular interchanges to keep him fresh.
9 Moore - needs to settle at 9 so he can improve confidence and get more involved in play.
10 Fozzard - needs to step up. Regular interchanges with Fa`asavalu.
11 Clough - excellent workhorse. Good stamina on this lad so keep him on for as long as he`s up to it
12 Puletua - I`m undecided as yet. Steady player but still needs settling in team (?) so keep him here
13 Wilkin - want to see more creativity, he`s well capable. Remember him at 7?
Roby - versatile interchange. Remarkable at 2 v Hull.
Cunningham - regular interchange with Moore.
Flannery - cover for 11-13
Fa`asavalu - cover for 8,10,11,12
1-13 I`d like to see as regular spots. We need consistency in positions, giving each one chance to settle and exploit their individual strengths. Where a player is out, not muck about changing people around, rather, replace with squad and interchange players.
I see many players down on confidence but with more spritely wingers, fresher forwards and more inventiveness at the front we should see more interesting gameplay.
Apart from that... Potter out!